Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stellar (Northern) Sea Lions at Play

Stellar sea lions, also known as Northern sea lions, are regulars on our marine mammal species list aboard Ursa Major.  Named by the Germain naturalist George Wilhelm Stellar, (a member of Vitus Bering's expedition party to Alaska in 1741), these opportunistic feeders consume a wide variety of fish, as well as squid and shrimp.  Seen here at their rookery in the Brothers' Islands in Stevens Passage, Stellar sea lions are preyed upon by killer whales (orca), sharks, and humans. 

From the Ursa Major, we have seen killer whales in the waters adjacent to this rookery, which causes a stampede of Stellar sea lions as they all race for higher ground!

Killer Whales (Orca) in southeast Alaska

One of the highlights of spending our summers aboard Ursa Major in beautiful southeast Alaska is the occasional killer whale (orca) viewing.  The male killer whale seen here was putting on quite the show when we saw him in 2013.  He was traveling in a small group of killer whales, (five individuals total), known as a transient pod.  

Transient pods of killer whales migrate in small groups over great distances throughout the waters of Alaska in search of their favorite food, (other marine mammals such as Stellar sea lions, harbor seals, and Dall's porpoises).   The transient pods are famous for taking down their prey in enthusiastic displays of both playfullness and dominance. 

In contrast, resident pods of killer whales are known for forming large family and social groups, rarely migrating outside their home waters, and feeding mostly on small fish.