Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Beauty of Locally-Caught Alaskan Seafood

Nothing compares to being able to harvest our own seafood, especially right in our "backyard", otherwise known as the Inside Passage of southeast Alaska.  Aboard Ursa Major, we catch and/or procure all the seafood we serve aboard locally in southeast Alaska.

Whether is it shellfish such as Dungeness crab or (giant) Alaska Spot Prawns caught in traps set and harvested at anchor during our charter trips, or freshly-caught king salmon, halibut, or black cod, purchased in Petersburg, Alaska, from a locally-owned fish processor, it is hard to imagine nourishment more delicious and fresh.

And when it comes to our shellfish caught at anchor, our guests may assist the crew in setting and harvesting pots, and processing Dungeness crab or delicious (giant) Alaska Spot Prawns for their dinner that very night aboard the Ursa Major!